Every Template you create will also have an associated checkout page. If you need help creating a Template please view this FAQ: How do I create a Template?


To edit and view the checkout template for a certain template, follow these steps:

- From the "Dashboard," select the “Subscriptions:

 - While on the “Subscriptions” page, select “Templates”. 

- Your pre-existing Templates will be saved. You can select the Template you're looking for by the "Template Name" highlighted in blue.  

- While on the "Edit Template" page, scroll down to the "Checkout Page" section to edit any of this Template's checkout page settings.

- To view the checkout page for this Template, select the blue "Copy" button on the right of the "Template Link" field. After pressing "Copy," open a new browser tab, right-click in the URL, and press "Paste" to paste the "TemplateLink" in the URL.