To integrate a PayTrace Gateway to your account, you will need your PayTrace login credentials. These PayTrace credentials are your PayTrace Username and PayTrace Password.

If you do not know your PayTrace Username and Password, go here: 

- Select "Forgot User Name or Password?" and follow any directions to proceed.

Optional: Web Users with API access enabled for their PayTrace gateway may be used to integrate with Chargezoom. It is advised, however to create an API User to integrate. API Users will require less frequent password updates that may cause delays in your processing flow when they expire.

Follow these steps to create an API User when logged into your PayTrace Merchant Account:

1. Select "Users" and then select "New User."


2. Select "API User" and proceed to create the user on the New User form. It is advised to enable all Permissions to ensure proper functionality with the Chargezoom platform.

3. Once the API User is created, keep note of the created User's User Name and Password as these will be used to integrate PayTrace to your Chargezoom account.

Once you have acquired your PayTrace credentials, follow these steps to integrate your PayTrace Gateway with your account.

1. Login to your account.

2. Select the "Integrations" drop-down menu and click on "Merchant Gateway."

3. Navigate to and select the "Add New" button.

4. Select "PayTrace" under the Gateway Type, and complete all the fields with the information from your PayTrace account.

5. When finished, press "Add."

You have successfully integrated a PayTrace gateway.