To add a CyberSource Gateway to your account, you will need your CyberSource: Merchant ID, API Key ID, and Secret Key.

Follow these steps to acquire these items from your CyberSource merchant account:

- Merchant ID

The CyberSource Merchant ID is required at login. When logged in the CyberSource Merchant Interface, the Merchant ID can be found at the top left of the page.

- API Key ID & Secret Key

Follow these steps to acquire your API Key ID and Secret Key:

1. From the Dashboard, select "Payment Configuration" on the left-side panel and then "Key Management" from the drop-down.

2. While on the "Key Management" page select the "Keys:" filter and change the filter to "API Keys"

3. You will now need to create a new key by selecting "Generate Key"

4. Select "API Cert / Secret" and then press "Next Step"

5. Select "Shared Secret" and then press "Submit"

6. Shown here will be your "Secret Key" this should be copied and stored in a secure location, you may also download the key from this page. Be advised, this will be visible at the time of creation and cannot be access later. When finished, select "Key Management".

7. When back on the "Key Management" page, you may now see the "API Key ID". This will also need to be recorded.

Follow these steps to add your CyberSource Gateway to your account:

1. Login to your account and select the "Integrations" drop-down menu and click on "Merchant Gateway."

2. Navigate to the top right of the page and select the "Add New" button.

3. While on the "Add New" pop-up, select "Stripe" under "Gateway Type" and complete the fields with the information given from your CyberSource Merchant account.

4. When finished, press "Add."

You have successfully added a CyberSource Gateway. The Gateway will now be ready for use on the virtual terminal.